Wow, what a hot one! Only one 5-bass limit over two days! Temperatures averaged around 105-110
degrees and wind battered the shores of Wilson Reservoir, Kansas for much of practice and the
tournament days for the 2023 TBF District 21 National Semi-Finals. Jeremy Fuentes from New Mexico
weighed in 13.02 lbs. on Day 1 to take a lead on the boater side and followed it up with 6.18 lbs. on Day
2 for a total of 19.20 lbs. On the Co-Angler side, Tim McClintick from Colorado weighed in 8.77 lbs. on
Day 1 and 6.66 lbs. on Day 2 for a total of 15.43 lbs. They would not look back and went on to claim the
Boater and Co-Angler 2023 District 21 Champion titles. Both will be moving on to the 2024 TBF
National Championship.
Joining them will be the top boater from Colorado, Ron Geibel with a 2-Day total of 16.23 lbs.
and top Co-Angler from New Mexico, Mike Estrada with a 2-Day total of 12.10 lbs.
During the tournament, water temperatures hovered at 80-82 degrees.
A combined 105 largemouth and smallmouth bass for a total weight of 273.96 lbs. were brought
to the scales. 100 % of them were released alive and well to be fished for again…
A very special thank you to the Colorado Junior Bass Club President Brandon Martinez and his
wife and CJBC Treasurer, Jessica Holcomb for all there assistance and hard work during this
event!!! They are a true class act! Without them this event would not have been successful.
CTBF would like to thank Meridy’s Restaurant and Lounge, Days Inn-Russell, KS, and Kansas
Parks and Wildlife for their hospitality.