Author's posts
TBF Mid-Atlantic Divisional set for Lake Erie
PRESQUE ISLE BAY, Pa. — The Bass Federation 2008 Mid-Atlantic Divisional Championship will be held on Lake Erie in Presque Isle Bay, Pa., Sept. 24-26. As many as 84 competitors representing seven Mid-Atlantic Division areas – Delaware, Maryland, Nation’s Capitol, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia – are expected to compete in the tournament. …
TBF Junior World Champions crowned
Kyle Raymer and Lowell Turner III earned the titles of the National Guard Junior World Champions as the tournament concluded on Lake Monticello in Colombia, SC., today. The National Guard Junior World Championship awarded $42,000 in scholarships and grants to the six division championions in both age groups. These division champs each received a scholarship …
TBF Living The Dream Angler Brian Travis – A TBF “Dream Come True” Photo by Brett Carlson The date was April 26, 2008. Brian Travis, a TBF angler from Conover, NC. And the North Carolina TBF Bass Federation had just finished weigh-in in at the 2008 Federation National Championship. Travis had just won the event, …
Lake Winnipesaukee to host TBF Eastern Divisional
Seven state teams to compete Sept. 17-19 CENTER HARBOR, N.H. — The Bass Federation 2008 Eastern Divisional Championship will be held on Lake Winnipesaukee in Center Harbor, N.H., Sept. 17-19. As many as 84 competitors representing seven Eastern Division states – Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Virginia and West Virginia – are expected …