Fort Madison, Iowa rolls out the red carpet for TBF Northern Division Anglers

TBF Northern Division Day 1

Ohio’s Tony Waugh leads individual overall standings, while defending Northern Division Champions from Michigan lead the state standings to show they are serious about keeping the Division Cup in the “Great Lakes State”.

Day 1 weigh-in started out looking like Indiana would lead day 1 as they were on top for much of the first half of the weigh-in, but Michigan and the rest of the northern division states would have none of it. There were only 5 limits of fish weighed in on a tough day 1 of the TBF Northern Division Championship. And Michigan weighed in 3 of them, Wisconsin weighed one of them and Ohio the other….and there you have the top three teams. Michigan leads with 69 pounds 14ounces, Wisconsin sits in Second at 48-06 and Ohio with a late flight push holds down the third place slot with 46-13. The rest of the field is stacked in there fairly close. The host state of Illinois has 44-03 good enough for fourth, 41-09 is fifth place and that was Minnesota, Indiana went from 1 to sixth in the blink of a flight so to speak and winds up in sixth place with 30-08. The good or bad news I guess depending on what place your in is that the fishing on the Mississippi is a little “off” right now, the river is as low as it has been in some time and there are two more days left, so it is still anyone’s game, although it would appear that it is Michigan’s game to lose as they have a decent lead on their way to back to back division Championship titles.

Five bass limits were few and far between, as stated above there were only five of them total among the 72 championship anglers. The day’s biggest limit belonged to a bag containing four smallmouth and one largemouth brought to the scales by Ohio angler Tony Waugh, his limit locked the scales in at 12-12 and placed Waugh into the individual overall lead which he carries into day two.

The first limit of the day showed up to the stage when Michigan angler Tommy Robinson, brought up his 12-05 bag, good enough anchor him solidly in the team lead for Michigan. Michigan teammate Derek Cummings had one of the day’s limits and he sits in third place behind Robinson. Right behind Cummings is another Michigan teammate who is in the fourth place spot with limit number four of the day that weighed 9-03 and it belonged to Leo Reiter. Minnesota team captain Lanny Isensee managed four fish today but it was enough to land him in fifth leading the Minnesota team with 8-14. “Home lake” is not all it is cracked up to be and the mighty Mississippi was tough on many of the host state anglers, but Lee Lewis from Peoria, Illinois figured something out and weighed 4 fish for 8-06 to secure his state lead and the sixth place overall spot. The fifth and final limit of the day was weighed in by Wisconsin angler James Tomsovic, which of course put him into his state’s leading spot and seventh overall with 8-04. Two more days to go!

Check out the full standings on our standings page by clicking here.

Weigh-in’s begin each day this week at 3pm CST at Captains Kirks Marina, they are free to the public.

Three Division Championships in Three Weeks

Very Busy Month for TBF!

TBF will be directing three divisional tournament series in the month of September.

The Northern Divisional Tournament is September 6-11 at Ft. Madison, IA. Anglers will be fishing the Mississippi River, Pools 18, 19, 20. Take-offs will be from Captain Kirks Marina, 902 4th Street, Ft. Madison, Iowa. Fishing days will be the 9th, 10th & 11th.

The 2009 TBF Eastern Division Championship Tournament is the following week, September 13-18, 2009, fishing days being the 16th, 17th & 18th. Anglers will be fishing on Lake Champlain. Daily Launch location is Ticonderoga State Ramp, New York.

The last week of September, immediately following the Eastern is the 2009 TBF Mid-Atlantic Division Championship in Morgantown, WV – September 20-25. Qualified anglers will be fishing the Monongahela River & taking off daily at Fort Martin Boat Ramp. Official tournament days will be September 23, 24, 25.

The top angler from each state advances as a boater and the second place anglers on each team advances as a co-angler. These top two from each state will compete in the 2010 TBF Federation National Championship, to be held in Tennessee next April, and fish for their share of nearly a quarter of a million dollars and the ultimate “Living the Dream” package.

For results of the tournaments, logon to and see who will advance.

You can also visit our Calendar of Events and see what’s coming up next with The Bass Federation!

Aug 09 Around the TBF Youth Newsletter

Kittanning Pennsylvania was the place to be when August 1st rolled around!

Our largest field ever, 80 anglers representing 40 state federations embarked on the quiet town of Kittanning for what proved to be a test of skills and patience.

Add to that two days of rain that brought the river up 3 additional feet from the previous couple of days and you can imagine the test that our young anglers had.

But when the fog had all cleared on Saturday afternoon Zack Messer from Idaho and Daryk Eckert from Ohio landed on the top spots in their respective age groups.

Congratulations to all of our junior anglers who made the trip and competed in this year’s event. You all represented your state federation very well.

And while the anglers were all out seeking fame and fortune (small fortunes!!) our state youth directors spent the two days working as usual.

At our annual youth director seminars we reviewed all of our existing programs and the current status of each. Most of our discussions centered around what the requirements were for each program and what we as federation members needed to do to ensure that these programs continued to be funded in the future.

One of the newest programs that we unveiled was our Youth Program Grants.

These grants are some what of an experiment designed to help a state grow their TBF Junior program. They are experimental in the fact that they are what we refer to as “Box Grants”. These Box Grants spell out exactly what is required of the successful applicant to do to receive funding for the grant. The grants also have a performance phase which further rewards the state for being successful in their recruiting of new members.

There are two of these Youth Grants available with each having a potential value of $1500 for those who complete all the phases of the requirements.

The Youth Directors were given applications for the grants and we will have a September 14th deadline for having them received in our office.

If anyone has any questions on the Grant Process please feel free to contact me at:  for more information.

Until next time, Don’t forget to take a kid fishing today!

Mark Gintert

A day in the life of TWO NGJWC Anglers

My 2009 National Guard World Jr. Championship

The 2009 NGJWC was an amazing experience I will never forget. I learned so much while I was there. I really appreciated the seminar on how to market your self for sponsorships. It was loaded with information that I really needed and that will definitely help me out in trying to get my career in fishing started. All of the pros who showed up were great. They were extremely friendly and didn’t mind taking time to talk to the juniors and to teach them a thing or to while they did. The National Guard did a great job in planning out our days for us. We always had activities to do to keep us busy, and I really enjoyed that.

The tournament was very well organized and very fun. My National Guard pro was the best. He lived in the same state as me so we got along just great. We talked about the local lakes and got along just great, it was like talking to a friend. He taught me a lot while I was with him about all kinds of things, I was like a sponge on his boat that day. I would really like to thank Clifford Perch for a wonderful day on the water. The weigh in was awesome.

Hank Parker was great, any nerves I had walking up on that stage went away when I started talking to him. He treated everyone like they were a pro and knew just as much as he did, it was great. The crowd was awesome and cheered for everyone and made everyone feel like a winner. I will never forget walking on that stage and talking to Hank Parker about my day on the water in a tournament like that.

The Pizza Party was probably the best pizza party I have ever been to. I don’t think I have ever laughed that hard in my life it was amazing. The National Guard really put a lot of time and thought into that party and it showed. They had the crowd roaring and the kids all excited waiting for their names to get called to join in on the games. Jimmy Huston was a great guest speaker at the party and made everyone feel great about their self for making it as far as they did even if they didn’t make the cut. I would like to give a huge thanks to the National Guard for throwing the best pizza party ever!

The final day was exciting. Watching all of those who made the cut was awesome. Everyone was anticipating the final weigh in. It was a great weigh in and very fun to just watch let alone be in.

When we all got the chance to walk across the big stage at Mellon Arena in front of the crowd everyone was excited and nervous. It was awesome hearing the announcer say your name over the loud speaker and hear the crowd cheer. I will never forget my experience at the 2009 NGJWC! Thanks to all who put it on and put their own time into it!

Thank you.

Corey DeLaGrange

Phoenix Jr. Bassmaster’s


The Bartlett tournament for State Championship made me very nervous, but excited. I knew where the fish were and when I came in for weigh-in, I found out that I was the only one with a 5 fish limit and the closest other angler had 2 fish. I weighted in 5 fish for a total weight of 7.16lbs. It was then that I realized that I had made Nationals and I was going to Pittsburg, PA. I could not believe I had to wait till July to go and compete.

After arriving in Pittsburg, we had a day or two to rest up before all the exciting events of the Championship was to begin. On Thursday morning at five a.m. we got onto the trolleys that took us out to the Forest L. Wood Cup launch. I got to meet all of the top pros such as Brent Eyler , Mike Iaconelli , and Ish Monroe, who signed my Ranger Boats sweatshirt. I also got to meet all the National Guard Pro’s who were all extremely nice and welcoming.

As soon as we had gotten back from the launch, we had registration which we got to go around in a big room and collect free things donated from all of the sponsors. That was super cool!! Afterwards, we attended a couple of meetings that taught us how to speak in front of crowds , keep fish alive in the live well, and also got a lesson on the new depth finder that is coming out soon. Later that night we went to the ice cream social, which we got delicious desserts and were able to meet our partner that we would be fishing with on the first day.

Waking up at 4 a.m., we drove down to Kittanning for the first day of fishing. The fishing was extremely tough throughout the whole day so a lot of people did not bring in any fish. I happened to luck in to two nice keepers which won me the Western State Division Championship and I got to go to the second day of fishing. After the weigh-in, all of the division champions got to ride back together and were told all of the rules that we needed to follow for the following day. Once we got back to the hotel, we were taken straight into a meeting with our parents that told us what the parents should do and shouldn’t do for the next day. Later that night, we got our sponsored shirts to wear and mine was Lowrance it was awesome

At the end of our day we got to have some time to hang out at the pizza party which I got to meet Hank Parker, Forrest L. Wood and Jimmy Houston. I got to talk to Jimmy Houston who asked me how my day was and I told him that I caught two nice keepers. So at the party when it was his turn to talk, he mentioned my name and had me stand up to say that I had caught two good fish. They had a lot of fun games such as chubby bunny, and throw cheeses puffs at kids that had whip cream on there face. We got a lot of pizza and it was really really loud and extremely fun.

The next morning we woke up at 4 am to go fishing we got treated really well and got to ride in a stretched hummer. When we arrived there took a couple of pictures and got a really good biscuit and a bottle of OJ. Then we prayed, sang the national anthem and then we were off. The day was full of little fish but no keepers for me but the weigh in was at 1:00 and I never gave up and at 12:33 I caught a keeper that weighed 1.2 pounds. When I got to the stage I found out that I got third in the nation I was really surprised. I also got sponsored by Berkley! (Thank-you Tami and Berkley) a dream come true.

I had never been to the FLW National Guard Junior Championship before, but after going this year I know how much effort and hard work went into this event. I had so much fun and was treated like a real pro that I am now going to try and make it next year. I want to thank my dad for all his hard work in helping me get to nationals. I want to also thank my state director, Wayne Kukral and youth director, Curtis De la Grange in the great work they do to help out our club. I would also like to Thank Steve at Southwest Boats for our club sponsorship and awesome fishing shirt. Also Mike McFarland from Choice Fishing Adventures for all his valuable advice. And last but definitely not least FLW, the National Guard Pro-anglers, FLW Pro-anglers, Berkley.

Tight Lines,

Shane Edgar