Oklahoma Leads TBF Central Divisional Tournament After Day 1

Plainview, Arkansas Native Justin Lancaster leads the Individual Overall

June 3, 2009 – Lake Dardanelle, Russellville, AR

Three Oklahoma anglers turned in the five fish limit to help push their team to first place in the opening round of the three day central division championship. The total team weight was 77 lbs 2 oz. John Pritchett of Claremore, OK led the team with a total weight of five fish weighing 14 lbs 5 oz, making him second in the overall standings for day one, right behind him on the Oklahoma team is Ada, Oklahoma’s Johnny Babb with 11-12. Only 1 lb 8 oz separated Oklahoma and Texas, who is in a very close second place. Louisiana sits in third with a team total of 65-10.

Nathan Bourque of Humble, Texas wins the Big Bass prize for day one. He turned in a 5 lb 4 oz bass, making his first day total 13 lbs 5 oz which landed him 3rd in the overall individual standings. Nathan and his paired partner, Eugene Morris of Farmerville, LA, both caught their limit today.

On a scale of one to ten, for Dardanelle, it is fishing about a “3 or 4” according to one local angler. The consensus among the contestants is that fishing “was tough.” Twenty of the ninety-six championship anglers did not manage to catch a minimum length 15” fish. Only three boating partners both filled their five-fish limit, one of which was Nathan and Eugene. Johnny Starks of Conway Springs, AR and Curtis Walker of Carl Junction, MO both caught limits in the same boat placing them in the individual standings at 9th and 10th place respectively. The final pair was Justin Lancaster of Plainview, Arkansas and Don Heaslet of Owasso, Oklahoma.

Heaslet’s limit landed him in 11th spot overall and third on the Oklahoma Team with 10 lbs 12 oz.

Lancaster’s bag landed him squarely in the overall tournament leader position after day one. His five fish limit weight turned in was 15 lbs 3 oz. Any day of holding the lead at a championship event is something special. For most a TBF Division Champion title is a once in a lifetime event. But Lancaster knows his work is not done just yet as there are two more days to go and he is taking nothing for granted as he has an Okie and two Texans on his tail. With the kinds of weights coming in right now. It would appear there is no middle ground, you are either “on them” or your struggling so tomorrow’s day two will likely tell the story in the individual standings as far as who the two or three anglers are that holds this tournament in their hands “to lose.”

Hopefully the cold front forecast for tomorrow won’t have a negative effect on tomorrow’s fishing day. Highs are supposed to be in the low 80s with possible record breaking lows overnight Thursday night.

“No cull” = “No limit”?

UTAH Leads Team Standings

Strategy was key, as the 2009 Western Division Championship kicked off at Flaming Gorge, Wyoming’s Buck Board Marina.

The lakes “no cull rule” played a large part in the anglers’ decision making process. The dilemma to keep some fish and not keep others hoping for one bigger, was about the only thing that kept most anglers from a limit of bass today. The majority of anglers weighed in limits today so it is going to be a close race to the finish line on Friday, however those few without limits told stories of throwing back keeper fish before reaching their no cull limit in hope of finishing their limit with a “big” fish. It is a gamble. In the end, the decisions cost some anglers, while others found enough keepers to pull ahead. Ultimately, 118 anglers weighed-in over 830lb. of small-mouth bass.

The Utah Bass Federation is leading in the team standings with a total weight of 103lb. 4oz. and the always strong California Team is breathing down their neck at 95lb. Less than a pound back in third is the Idaho Bass Federation weighed in a total of 94lb. 2oz. The Washington Bass Federation is in fourth with a total weight of 91lb. 5oz. Each state can bring 12 anglers to the division championship to compete for the cash payout. Next year, TBF will split the West into two divisions, the Northwest Division and the Southwest Division. This year we are holding a “two in one” event, so we have two anglers to talk about that are leading their divisions.

Cameron Smith from Dana Point, Cali., and Brandon Palaniuk from Rathdrum, Idaho, came out on top, both with a limit weighing 12lb. 8oz. Brandon is the leader for the Northwest Division, while Cameron is leading the Southwest Division. Brandon caught his limit before 11:30 am and then spent the rest of the day searching for good areas to fish tomorrow. “I will do the same thing tomorrow, just cover a lot of water and go for pounds,” Brandon said. Like several other anglers, Brandon faced a challenge with the no cull rule. “I was nervous a few times, but I decided to throw back anything under 2lb. and it seemed to work for me. Tomorrow, I just have to stick to my guns and go out there and do it again,” Brandon commented.

Right on their heels, is Wayne Crowder from Salt Lake City, Utah with a limit weighing 11lb. 13oz. Tyler Swaney from Fort Collins, Colo., is close behind him with five fish weighing 11lb. 8oz. Aaron Echternkamp from Moses Lake, Wash., weighed in a limit of 11lb. 6oz., and Jeff Erickson from Phoenix, Ariz., caught a limit of bass weighing 11lb. 1oz. Jeff caught his limit early as well. “Today was a lot tougher than it was pre-fishing. But, we ran around the lake a lot bed fishing, and I managed to catch my limit before 11:40am.” Jeff said.

TBF’s newest federation is the Nevada Bass Federation and we’re extremely excited to have them join the ranks of America’s largest organized grassroots fishing organization. The Nevada’s federation squad is only competing with 10 anglers, due to the last minute emergency that kept two of their members home, yet they are showing they came to play and they’re holding their own, even short-handed. The Nevada Bass Federation President, Mitch Geyer, had a great day of fishing. “This has been the best day of fishing all week. I caught my limit before 10am, and my partner caught his limit right in the nick of time,” Mitch said.

Tomorrows weigh-in will be at 2:30pm at BuckBoard Marina. And it’s free to the public.

Around the TBF – April 09 Monthly Youth Newsletter

Spring is in the air!!

And hopefully the area that you live in is finally free of snow and frozen lakes!

With the occasional outburst of semi-warm weather we are starting to see some Youth Activity across the country.

First of all, many of you are hard at work with our Reel Kids Casting Competitions.

Please remember to get all of your event summaries and pictures sent to us ASAP.

We need this data to enable us to keep this program going!

Our Student Angler Federation is gaining some momentum with two schools recently signing up and four more in the process of getting their paperwork in.

If you are looking to build membership within your state these school clubs offer access to a large number of students who are eager to go fishing! Remember you are free to engage these clubs as much or as little as your state chooses.

We have also started to receive a slew of questions regarding state qualifiers, when they need to take place and what the age limits are.

We would really like you to try and hold your qualifiers as early as possible with June 15th being the target date of having your qualifiers information ready to go.

If you have to hold your event later than this date please be sure to let me know as we don’t want to leave anyone out.

As far as the cutoff ages are concerned they are the same as last year, August 31st and this will remain the cutoff date until the Federation Presidents vote to change it.

We will be making a site visit to the Pittsburgh Area in a couple of weeks to pin down all the details of the NGJWC but this years event is shaping up to be another great event.

We try to learn a few lessons from each one of these we do and we’re not afraid to try some new wrinkles to make this event as smooth and efficient as possible. This year’s event will be a combination of past successes and some new ideas.

The National Guard Junior World Championship has quickly become the premier Youth fishing event in the country in just three short years. I believe it has done so because of the hard work and dedication of our State Youth Directors and Presidents across the country who work to get their anglers qualified and prepared for the event.

There will be a press release coming out soon on the NGJWC giving some basic information on the event so watch closely for more details!

Until next month, don’t forget to take a kid fishing today!

Mark Gintert

Kids and our Future, That’s what fishing is all about!

By Ken Gibbs, Indiana Bass Federation Youth Director

During the Indianapolis Boat, Sport, and Travel show I had a chance to talk with a young man by the name of Kenny Burkhart. This young man was at one time one of the Indiana Bass Federation’s junior anglers who participated in a junior club, fished the IBF Junior Trail, and was on several IBF Junior State Teams. While talking with him, he asked me if I could possibly do a favor for him. Being an outstanding young man now, I could only answer with a yes!

He proceeded to tell me a short story of a young child from Martinsville, IN. This child is a five year old little boy who loves monster trucks and fishing. His name is Michael Ray Soots. Michael has been diagnosed with a life threatening illness. He has a brain tumor and is in need of a critical brain surgery scheduled for the beginning of April in Arizona. Kenny was asking me if there was anything that the Indiana Bass Federation could do for him, specifically he asked if I could get this child a “tournament fishing shirt”. Well, what do all of you think, my heart began to sink. I said absolutely YES! I asked Kenny to let me know more details as soon as possible.

Well, just a few days later I received a call from Teresa Brown who is the Wal-Mart store manager in Martinsville. She told me of a little something they had planned for Michael and wanted to know if I could be there. So on the 8th of March, Mary and I made a trip to Martinsville. Once there we went inside to meet with Teresa Brown. As soon as we walked in the door, there in the front isle was a stage, balloons, and a banner that said “Hearts and Hugs for Michael”.

Let me tell you, this little boy had a lot of friends and family. As we prepared for Michael’s arrival, others began showing up. There was a local church choir there to perform. The Mayor of Martinsville was there. Wal-Mart store employees and truck drivers from the local Wal-Mart distribution center, which included Michael’s grandpa, were there. There were local news paper and radio people. The Martinsville fireman, policeman, and local residence were there. And yes, even the Easter Bunny appeared. Then Michael arrived with his Mom, Dad, and sister. Smiles were everywhere, especially on that little boys face! A huge applause erupted.

Teresa Brown started off by first thanking everyone for taking the time to be there, then the presentations began. The church choir sang for everyone. The Mayor gave Michael a key to the city and declared that the city was “Michael’s for the Day!” The Wal-Mart truck drivers, including his Grandpa, gave Michael an official driver’s shirt, Honorary Drivers Certificate, and a check to the family. Then Mary and I proudly represented the Indiana Bass Federation by presenting Michael with a brand new rod & reel, a new Ranger Boats hat, and Michael’s very own “Indiana Bass Federation, FLW/TBF, Ranger Boats Tournament Shirt”.

He also received from the “Adopt an Angler” program a tackle box full of Touchdown Lure products. He also has a standing invitation from the IBF to go fishing with us as soon as he possibly can. The wonderful employees of Wal-Mart, through their “Hearts & Hugs” program, raised and presented the family with a check for over $2,500 dollars! All of this, as well as donations from several other companies. Then everyone enjoyed some cake just before a parade of police cars, fire trucks, and Wal-Mart semi trucks paraded though the streets of Martinsville.

Let me tell you, that little boy had a bigger smile on his face then he had when he arrived, and especially on his Mom’s, Dad’s, and proud Grandpa’s faces.

The hearts and prayers of the entire Federation

go out to Michael and his Family.

To Kenny Burkhart, we thank you!