District 18 Oregon and Washington TBF National Semi-Final on the Columbia River

District 18 Oregon and Washington TBF National Semi-Final on the Columbia River.

The District 18 TBF National Semi-final proved to be a challenging event for most anglers  The Columbia River Gorge lived up to its name this weekend showing it’s mighty winds and rough river conditions making this event quite challenging for some of the anglers.

District 18

Day 1 leader Nick Culver weighed in a 5.75# smallmouth bass that held up as the big fish of the event. Day 2 was a different day in the morning with calmer winds, but as anglers traveled down river to the west, they faced some dangerous conditions. The weights for Day 2  were definitely a lot lower than Day 1, due to high pressure moving into the area and making fishing conditions a bit tougher.

D18 TBF National Semi-Final

Congratulations to Chris Lambert – WA as the overall boater division winner, Todd Woolard – OR as the overall co-angler winner, and Kory Ray – OR as the Ranger Cup winner.

D18 Ranger Cup Winner Kory Ray

Delaware Hosts District 13 National Semi-Final – Delaware, Maryland, and Nations Capitol

Delaware Hosts District 13 National Semi-Final – Delaware, Maryland, and Nations Capitol

The Nanticoke and Wicomico Rivers were being stingy with giving up their limits and lunker especially on day one of the September 28 and 29 National Semi-Final. A small cold front had moved in the week before and the fish developed a little lock jaw. Day two was a little different with a few more fish being caught and some of the big ones must have gotten a little hungry. Tide charts were somewhat skewed and the anglers had to pay attention to the water flow to hit their spots on their perceived prime tide. 31 Boaters had a great day with good water conditions and light winds to hold down the chop.

Leading the Tournament on the Boater side day one was Delaware’s Greg Alexander with 11.62 pounds, with Maryland’s Co-angler Dwayne Smith limiting with 8.05 pounds. Day 2 would bring a change to the standings with Delaware’s Boater Rodney Oberdick weighing in a limit of 13.85 pounds. Oberdick’s total of 22.61 pounds bested Alexander’s 22.49 pounds by .12 or 1.92 ounce. On the Co-Angler side Maryland’s Andrew Wiley came out on top with 15.31 pounds topping Smith’s total of 14.74 by .57 or 9.12 ounces. Lunkers for the Tournament are Oberdick’s 5.53 and Dwayne Smith’s 3.79. A total of 387 fish for a total of 631.18 pounds were caught with 385 fish being returned to the Nanticoke waters.

D13 Delaware Winners

Headed to the National Championship from Delaware are left Co-Angler Roger Shirkey Jr.
And right National Semi-final Tournament Champion on the boaters side Rodney Oberdick.

D13 DC Winners

DC’s Top boater (left) Bill Easter, brought in his total weight of 18.23 pounds to win a birth to the National Championship. On the Right is DC Co-Angler John Wiseman who weighed in 12.98 pounds to secure his position.

D13 Maryland Winners

On the left is Maryland Co-Angler and National Semi-Final Champion Andrew Wiley. Andrew managed 15.31 pounds .91 pounds ahead of Maryland’s 2nd place Co-Angler. Right is Maryland 1st place Boater Frank Arthur who brought in 17.49 pounds to be part of the Maryland anglers headed to the National Championship.

Congratulations to the anglers headed to the National Championship and to all the anglers who competed in this tournament to make it close for all. Congratulations to Delaware for their 4th State Pride Win.

District 5 Louisiana and Texas TBF National Semi-final

District 5 Louisiana and Texas TBF National Semi-Final September 28-29, 2019.

The TBF District 5, Louisiana/Texas Semi-final was held out of San Miguel State Park on Toledo Bend Reservoir that featured low water level and high temperatures which are not normal for this time in late September. However, it did open the door for local Louisiana boater Kevin Lasyone, who lives on the lake, to have the lead in Day 1 with 13.21 pounds and Texas Boater James Biggs trailing in second with 11.72 pounds. Day 1 Co-angler from Texas, Thomas Anderson, lead with 9.21 pounds while Louisiana   Co-angler Jeremey Ridgedell was holding 2nd place with 7.88.

D5 Boater Winners

After the second day with less winds Kevin Lasyone kept his ground and brought in a 14-40 pound sack, which sealed the envelop for the 1st place win. James Biggs held his 2nd place overall spot by hauling in a 12.77 pound bag to send himself to the 2020 Federation National Championship to represent the Texas side.

D5 Co-Angler Winners

Texas Co-angler Peter Hart came to the scales with 11.68 pounds that will send him to the National Championship and Louisiana Co-angler Samuel Jenkins brought a 7.09 pound sack to send him to the National Championship as well.

Ranger cup winner -Thomas McMillian from Louisiana

D5 Ranger Cup Winner Thomas McMillian

District 7 Kansas and Missouri TBF National Semi-Finals

District 7 Kansas and Missouri TBF National Semi-Finals September 21-22, 2019.

The District 7 Semi-finals set on Wilson lake Kansas was sure to be a test with the recent fluctuations in water levels raising and lowering several time this summer. All the anglers took to the water Saturday morning meeting a breezy South wind that shrank the body of water by quite a bit for accessible fishing water. Fish starting to make the fall move seemed to be the general consensus. Keep the bait and the boat moving was the key for the day. Some nice bags brought to the scales and lots of 1-3 fish bags it would be a close race Sunday. Well Sunday morning came and typical to Kansas 5-10 mph winds turned into 25-30 straight out of the North which made for dangerous conditions and after several delays and talking with Randy Sullivan it was decided it was unsafe to allow the anglers to get on the water day 2.

D7 Ranger Cup Winner Jared Knuth

The TBF of Kansas wants to thank all the anglers for their hard work and on making to the 2019 KS/MO TBF National semifinals. Congratulations to Sheldon Rogge, Justin Harris from Kansas and Jared Knuth, Greg Harris from Missouri for qualifying for the National Championship.

Dell Mettlen Jr.