Lake Wateree Proves Tough On The TBF Junior State Champions, Quality Fish, But Few & Far Between

Top two anglers from each state took to the water today for Day 1 of the 2014 TBF Junior World Championship presented by FLW Outdoors. It proved to be a tough fishing just like it is for the best in the world on the FLW Tour who are fishing on nearby Lake Murray during the Forrest Wood Cup.

The TBF Junior World Championship is the culmination of more than a year of effort by young TBF anglers in two age groups, 11-14 and 15-18.  Each TBF state federation holds qualifying tournaments to qualifier their top anglers in these two age groups and send them to this one of a kind championship, where the top angler in each age group form each state square off for the titles of world champions and their share of over $10,000.00 in Scholarships and prizes that is on the line.  So while we always here about everyone at a event being a “winner” it is certainly true in this case as everyone who attended is a reigning state champion!

Lake Wateree greeted the anglers today with a light fog and a cool breeze, all of which lasted a full 5 minutes after the last boat took off, then the legend of Lake Wateree kicked in. Wateree is known for being tougher than tough when the lake lays flat with no wind and it was perfectly flat today.

To keep the event as fair as possible each angler only competes against anglers from their home geographically division. For instance only the western states complete against the western states this way no matter where the event is held in the US, the angler only compete against other anglers from their same general or distance away. The states are divided into 6 divisions and the top angler form each division advances to Saturdays final shootout for the title of World Champion.

All the Division Champions who will be fishing tomorrow were tight lipped about details as they did not want to give anything specific away. However Hank Parker, celebrity host weigh master of the event each year did mange one after another to coax out of them comments on Shaky Heads and Jigs as playing a key role in their catches so far. We will see what Saturday’s final round holds for them.

Be sure and check out the home page for video coverage of today weigh in.

2014 finalists


Here are the 12 division champions who will fish the final day tomorrow.







In the 11-14 year old age groupangler w Hank

James Fields, Anthem, AZ. Western Division Champion

Jacob Ferrell, Vernon Hills, VA. Mid-Atlantic Division Champion

Cole Moore, Anacoco.LA. Central Division Champion

Harrison Norman, Covington, GA. Southern Division Champion

Stephen Stroz, Shrewsbury, MA. Eastern Division Champion

Joe Stolski, Baxter, MN. Northern Division Champion

  a with hank 3 a with hank 2

In the 15-18 year old age group

Sean King, Villa Hills, KY. Southern Division Champion

Richard Davey Jr., Richland, WA. Western Division Champion

Hunter Daniel, Lamar, AR., Central Division Champion

Perry Marvin, Peru, NY. Eastern Division Champion

Steven Sellnow, Waterown, WI. Northern Division Champion

Caleb Bruss, Bernardsville, NJ. Mid-Atlantic Division Champion

Weights will be zeroed for the final day tomorrow.


For Full Standings 2014 JWC Overall Standings Day 1

For Standings By Division 2014 JWC Standings by Division D1

For Day 1 Photo Gallery CLICK HERE








2014 Spring Membership Promotion Winners


News Release

For additional information, please contact: The Bass Federation (TBF)   580.765.2319



The Bass Federation (TBF) announced recently the winners of its 2014 spring membership promotion!


Early this year TBF rolled out a new Spring/Summer membership growth rewards program for 2014 to build on the growth momentum we experienced in 2013.  It included something for everyone with a 3 tiered, club-level Growth Rewards Program.  The program awards $1,000, $500 & $100 Cabela’s cash cards in each of the 7 TBF Divisions with over $11,000 dollars total awarded.


Tier 1 Club Growth Spring\Summer Promotion Drawing:

  • Included all clubs that grew a minimum of 5 new members or more as of June 30, 2014 verses year end 2013 TBF. Including all those NEW TBF clubs formed and updated by then. Each club could be entered multiple times to increase their chances of WINNING!  Once for reaching 5 new members and once again for every member over 5. The more members signed up the better your chances to win the $1,000 awarded in EACH of the 7 TBF Divisions! ($7,000.00 Total Awarded)

Tier 2 Club Spring\Summer Promotion Growth Drawing:

  • Grow 3 – 4 new members – All active TBF Clubs with an increase of 3 or 4 new paid memberships by June 30, 2014 was entered into a drawing for a $500 Cabela’s Cash Card. (entered once for 3 members twice for 4 members) Seven (7) winners were drawn from all eligible clubs, one (1) in each of the 7 TBF divisions.. ($3,500 Total Awarded)

Tier 3 Spring\Summer Promotion Growth Drawing: 

  • 1-2 new members – All active TBF Clubs with an increase of just 1 new member by June 30, 2014 was entered into a drawing for a $100 Cabela’s Gift Card (entered once for 1 member twice for 2 members) for their club. Seven (7) winners will be drawn from all eligible clubs, one (1) in each of the 7 TBF divisions. ($700 Total Awarded)


Winning clubs were drawn and winners were announced LIVE online at the final day weigh-in of the 2014 High School Fishing World Finals recently.

A BIG THANK YOU to all the clubs across North America who participated and congratulations to all the winners who will be receiving their Cabela’s Cash card prizes before the end of September.


2015 TBF membership sign-up opens October 1, 2014 and will include several fall sign up promotions for both every individual member and TBF affiliated club such as;


  • The very popular Federation Angler rod promotion, for only $100 plus S/H you get any 2 custom branded FEDERATION ANGLER, 7 foot, IM7 graphite tournament rods and that will INCLUDE your full $50 TBF and FLW competitor memberships owed for 2015 if not already paid.   


  • Every TBF club updated for 2015 by Jan. 1 with at least 6 members will go into a drawing for:
    • 1st prize – A Lowrance HDS 9 Gen 2 touch unit for your club
    • 2nd prize – A Power Pole shallow water anchor
    • 3rd prize – (6)Six custom FEDERATION ANGLER branded tournament rods


Congratulations again to all the winners listed below!


TBF Spring/Summer 2014 GROW & WIN Challenge

Tier #1clubs =  $1000 Cabela’s Gift Card

Tier #2 clubs = $500Cabela’s Gift Card

Tier #3 clubs = $250 Cabela’s Gift Card


TBF NorthWest Division

Tier #1 winner – Panhandle Bass Anglers  – Idaho

Tier 2 winner – Boarder Line Bass Contenders – Washington

Tier 3 winner – North End Bass Club – Washington


TBF South West Division

Tier #1 winner – Sixgun Bass Masters Club – California

Tier 2 winner – Four Corners Bass Club – New Mexico

Tier 3 winner – Pikes Peak Bass Masters – Colorado


TBF Central Division

Tier #1 winner – Blue Hole Bass Club – Mississippi

Tier 2 winner – Bedlam Bass Club – Oklahoma

Tier 3 winner – ARK-LA-TEX Bass Federation club – Arkansas


TBF Northern Division

Tier #1 winner – East Fork Bass Masters Club – Illinois

Tier 2 winner –Potato Creek Bass Club – Indiana

Tier 3 winner – Twin Cities Bass Club – Ohio


TBF Southern Division

Tier #1 winner – Coastal Bass Anglers – Georgia

Tier 2 winner – River City Bass Club – Kentucky

Tier 3 winner – Sparta Bass Club – Tennessee


TBF Eastern Division

Tier #1 winner – Fatt Bass Anglers Club – Ontario Canada

Tier 2 winner – Minuteman Bass Club – Massachusetts

Tier 3 winner – Grassroots Bass Anglers – New Hampshire


Mid-Atlantic Division

Tier #1 winner –Meherrin Bass Masters club – Virginia

Tier 2 winner – Hookem and Jerkem Bass Club – West Virginia

Tier 3 winner – Hunters Run Bass Club – Pennsylvania






Central Division Championship, Eufaula Lake, Day 1 Results

Team Oklahoma jumps out to commanding lead at the end of Day 1 on Giant Lake Eufaula.  All 12 Anglers pitched in to help the Team weigh in a Day 1 Overall total weight of 82 lbs 13 oz with Dean Matts (5 fish 16-12) and Johnny Babb (5 fish 14-02) anchoring the Top 2 spots for Oklahoma on Day 1.

Matts weighed in a lunker weighing in at 6-07 to help his total weight and lead the Big Bass Optional Side Pot for most of the day.

 Near the end of todays weighin Kent Priel / Nebraska came across the stage and weighed a lunker sack that topped the scales at 16-15 to become the Day 1 Overall Leader, a mere 3 ozs over Dean Matts.

Kent Priel 








 Priel also weighed in a Lunker for Day 1 Big Bass Honors with a 6-15 Largemouth.

Four Oklahoma Anglers placed in the Top 10 to help boost Team Oklahoma’s Lead for State Honors on the 1st day of the Central Division Championship.

 Dean Matts  Oklahoma








With only 5 lbs 1 oz between 1st Place and 6th Pl, all Anglers remained hush hush of lures used and methods of catching their limits. 

 Visit for full results on todays action.

The Word Of The Day Is HOT At The TBF SouthWest Division Championship, But It Mostly Applys To The Weather!


Just barely over 2 lbs separate the Top 20 Places after Day 1 of the SouthWestern Divisional Championship on Lake Havasu @ Lake Havasu, Arizona.

86 degree temperature was recorded at the 5:30 AM takeoff.   At the afternoon weighin the temperature was a smoldering 106 degrees.

Day 1 Tournament Leader Jesse Parks/Arizona is leading with a total weight of 15-00 and close behind 2nd Place is Josh Kaneko/California with 14-13.















Day 2 Results…… South Western Divisional Championship….

Todays event proved to be much the same as day 1.  22 Five Fish limits were brought across the scales today.  Daily Leaders only slightly changed positions and looking ahead for the Final Day, 1st Place with total weight of 30 lbs 7 oz is only 10 lbs ahead of 23rd Place so tomorrow looks like this could be anyone’s game to win.

On Day 2 Greg Gizzi /Colorado had the big sack and pushed his 2 day total to 30 lb 7 oz for a slight margin over 2nd Place Jesse Parks/Arizona 30 lbs even. 










State Leaders are as follows:

Arizona                 Jesse Parks                   30-00

California              Aaron Britt                      28-08

Colorado              Greg Gizzi                      30-07

Utah                      Wade Headrick             25-01

Nevada                 Jerren Slatton                17-01


For Full Standings CLICK HERE